lunch box

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lunch box



1. US name: lunchpail a container for carrying a packed lunch
2. jocular Brit and Austral a man's genitals
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Other Harry Potter products being offered by the company include a collectible Severus Snape seven-inch action figure retailing at USD14.99; a four-inch mini figure set featuring Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley and a Marauder's Map retailing for USD19.99; a three-inch Harry Potter "bust-up" model priced at USD5.99; and a wall-hanging scroll and lunch box, retailing at USD12.99 and USD17.99, respectively.
Once a staple of school kids and comreuters everywhere, Aladdin exited the category in the 1990s after four decades of dominating the kids character lunch box business.
In 1950, Aladdin introduced a steel lunch box with a Hopalong Cassidy decal on the front and the character lunch box was born.
Ditch the cheese sarnies and make your child the envy of the class with a lunch box of delights by following our top tucker tips!
The de-junked bags are a tasty and fun addition to any lunch box and can give parents peace of mind over their snack food choices.
The greatest off-Broadway show I have seen took place in a school cafeteria on the stage of an open lunch box. After lunch, remains took the stage, including a talented apple core dressed in shimmering foil.
Georg Baselitz's figures embody the dialectical tension between these two conditions: It is evident in the difference between the male figure who holds a skull behind his back--the watch on his right wrist suggesting that time is running out--and the female figure who holds a lunch box behind her back.
The answer came in the form of a lunch box. Though [his mother] Rosie had left her freelance catering days behind her in Birmingham, she still made it her job to send Art off to work with a full lunch box every day.
Julie Genereux and Jocelyne Malo were working feverishly in January to complete renovations and add the finishing touches to their new restaurant, The Lunch Box, for an official opening Jan.
Throw some in your lunch box for a snack, or use a few stalks to dress up your next vegetable platter.
M2 PRESSWIRE-August 20, 2019-: Global Lunch Box Market Drivers, Trends and Opportunities 2019
Making sure your child's lunch box is full of good stuff to keep them going all day is vital, and dietician Paula Mee has made a checklist to help you out.